Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let's Talk About Sex

It is one of the most important topics our kids face and I'm bold enough to say, I think we've completely failed our kids on this one.  What???  Oh yes.  As a whole our kids are not well informed when it comes to their bodies and sex.  Before you start arguing with me on this one I want you to first ask yourself, "what have I done in opening the lines of communication on this topic?".  Then think about this, what did your own parents do to talk about sex when you were growing up?  Now you may be thinking, but my kid is only 4, this isn't something I have to worry about yet.  Well, I would counter that opening this topic starts young, in an age appropriate manner of course.  You start with bodies when they are little and the topic grows over the course of time.
Take a look around us.  Our society glorifies sex.  It can demean women.  It can destroy men.  We have not done well with this topic.  The only way we can help our kids deal with sex is to teach them about it.  Over the next few posts, I'm going to talk about how to talk to your kids about sex.  What is real, honest and appropriate.  I'm no expert.  I'm a mom.  I'm also a teacher.  I've also been a youth leader for young women.  It's from conversations with these girls (ages 13-17) that has had me worried the most.   I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic too.  What have or haven't you done to educate your kids when it comes to matters of sex? 


  1. This is a great post topic and what that I think is necessary for sure. I am all for teaching children about their bodies and how it functions. I think that children who are knowledgeable about body function and sex will make informed decisions in their every day.

  2. I have to admit that I have NO clue how to broach this subject with my kids...so I'm looking forward to hearing some advice/discussion. My parents just did. not. talk about it. That was clearly not the way to go about it!




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